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Represents a single client in the server admin API.


Name : String⚓︎

The name of this client. This is the same as the DissonanceComms.LocalPlayerName property for this client.

IsConnected : bool⚓︎

Indicates if this client is still connected to the voice session.

Rooms: ReadOnlyCollection⚓︎

A collection of all the rooms this player is currently listening to. This corresponds to the active VoiceReceiptTriggers on this client.

Channels : ReadOnlyCollection⚓︎

A collection of all the channels this player is currently speaking through. This corresponds to the active VoiceBroadcastTrigger's on the client.

LastChannelUpdateUtc : DateTime⚓︎

When the Channels collection was last updated

PacketLoss : float⚓︎

Get the estimated packet loss for this client (0 to 1).


OnStartedListeningToRoom : Action⚓︎

Event fires when player starts listening to a room channel.

OnStoppedListeningToRoom : Action⚓︎

Event fires when player stops listening to a room channel.

StartedSpeaking : Action⚓︎

vent fires when player starts speaking to any channel.

StoppedSpeaking : Action⚓︎

Event fires when player stops speaking to all channels.

OnVoicePacket : VoicePacket⚓︎

Event fires for every voice packet from this player.


RemoveFromRoom(string roomName)⚓︎

Immediately remove this player from a room, preventing them from listening to it.

This does not prevent the client from immediately re-joining the room.


Remove this client from the voice session, forcing them to immediately reconnect.