Version 7.0.2

Due to a regression in how Unity applies spatializers this release has removed support for external spatialization plugins such as the Oculus Spatializer. Voice audio will still be spatialized, but it will always use the built in spatialization. Please see this issue for details. This issue has been acknowledged by Unity, if it's fixed in a future version of the Editor we will enable support for spatialization again in compatible Editor versions.

If you find an issue in Dissonance or want to request a new feature please report it on our issue tracker or on Discord.

New Features

  • Using a higher precision timer for playback jitter compensation.
  • Reduced playback latency in very stable network conditions.
  • Slightly improved quality of audio in unstable network conditions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed import problems with plugins on MacOS #193.
  • Resolved issue with spatialized playback #188.
  • Fixed poor audio quality in two person chat caused by occasional packet loss.

Known Issues

No known issues or regressions in this release :D