Version 6.2.4

This release brings a large number of fixes driven by user feedback.


SALSA Lip Sync
Upgrade Available!
Realtime automatic lip synchronisation for Dissonance speaking using SALSA.
Upgrade Available!
Adds support for controlling channels (who is speaking to whom) using Playmaker.
Forge Remastered
Use the Forge Remastered Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.
Use the Forge Networking (Classic) system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.
Photon Unity Networking
Use the Photon Unity Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.
Use the Unity (UNet) High Level API Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.
Use the Unity (UNet) Low Level API Networking system. This hosts it's own LLAPI session and could potentially be used in conjunction with most other networking systems.
Photon Bolt
Use the Photon Bolt Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.
Steamworks.NET P2P
Use Steamworks.NET to host a peer to peer voice chat session.
Dark Rift 2
Use Dark Rift 2 to host a voice chat session.
Dark Rift 2 (Server Source)
Source code for the DR2 server plugins (precompiled plugins included in basic DR2 download).

New Features

  • Showing live audio attenuation applied by faders in by trigger fades in VoiceBroadcastTrigger inspector at play mode
  • Added additional details to the `DissonanceComms` profiler

Bug Fixes

  • Rebuilt DarkRift2 plugin binaries against the latest version of DarkRift2 (v2.2.0)
  • Fixed an issue causing voice activated speech to frequently cut out mid sentence #104
  • Fixed a data race (potentially leaving datastructure in an inconsistent state) when the audio preprocessor resets
  • Prevented audio ducking system ducking remote speakers when the local player is muted
  • Reduced the number of audio capture system resets performed when the network mode changes
  • Modified how Forge and Forge Networking Remastered integrations perform loopback (local server -> local client) to prevent potential bugs caused by buffer re-use
  • Fixed oversize playback buffer detection triggering too frequently

Known Issues

  • It has been reported that Dissonance 6.2.3 suffered from a bug causing lost audio and this message shown in the log: BasePreprocessingPipeline: Lost 480 samples in the preprocessor (buffer full), injecting silence to compensate. Please comment on this issue if you encounter this error with Dissonance 6.2.4.