Version 2.0.0

This release includes two big new features; we've added support for host migration to all networking integrations as well as a totally new preprocessing pipeline which sounds better on all platforms and performs significantly better on mobiles! Check out the lists at the bottom of the page for a list of features, bugfixes and known issues.

The host migration change leads to another quality-of-life change; Dissonance components can now be re-used. Previously you had to ensure that components were deleted when the network session changed; this was not very ergonomic and led to a lot of confusion amongst users. Now that the Dissonance network internally understands that sessions might change it's no longer necessary - feel free to use and re-use components as many times as you like.

The new error handling and host migration system is a breaking change to custom network integrations which use the BaseCommsNetwork class. Please see the documentation for custom network implementations for more detail. Pay particular attention to the generic parameters (TServerParam and TClientParam are new) and the section on the Update method.

With this release we have not released a package for Unity 5.4.4 which is the usual minimum supported target. If you're still using Unity 5.4.4 please Contact us to get the latest update package (and we'll consider including 5.4.4 support in the next release).


SALSA Lip Sync
Upgrade Available!
Realtime automatic lip synchronisation for Dissonance speaking using SALSA.
Upgrade Available!
Adds support for controlling channels (who is speaking to whom) using Playmaker.
Upgrade Available!
Use the Forge Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session. Please note this is for the legacy Forge Networking asset not for Forge Remastered.
Photon Unity Networking
Upgrade Available!
Use the Photon Unity Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.
Upgrade Available!
Use the Unity (UNet) High Level API Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.
Upgrade Available!
Use the Unity (UNet) Low Level API Networking system. This hosts it's own LLAPI session and could potentially be used in conjunction with most other networking systems.
Photon Bolt
Upgrade Available!
Use the Photon Bolt Networking system to host a Dissonance voice chat session.

New Features

  • Network restarts
  • Host migration
  • WebRTC based preprocessing pipeline
  • Added local mute with the VoicePlayerState:IsLocallyMuted property

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented VoicePlayerState:Priority property throwing an exception if accessed while no voice audio is playing
  • Fixed a null reference exception in the Forge integration when a connection is compared with null
  • Refactored how local mute works so the VAD still processes data even when the player is muted

Known Issues

  • Lacking platform support for:
    • Windows Universal Platform (Contact me if you're interested in testing UWP support)
  • No Acoustic Echo Cancellation
  • Disconnecting and reconnecting a headset can cause errors (believed to be a Mac specific error). Track Issue #33